Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy. (iMBD)

FINALLY, the moment I had been waiting for arrived. Following the announcement of the sequel shortly after the release of the huge and successful 'The Dark Knight' back in 2008, Bale and Nolan return for 2012's hugely anticipated 'The Dark Knight Rises'.

'The Dark Knight Rises' had a lot of pressure in my eyes. Being a huge Batman fan myself, its hard to say that the film wasn't under the pressure due to the commercial success of 'The Dark Knight' and the fact that 'The Avengers' did so well when released this year. Though I thought 'The Avengers' did so well, I can honestly say that 'The Dark Knight Rises' IS a hell of a lot better! (and that's not me being biased). To me, all Marvel films are 'family friendly' and aimed at a specific younger audience which also allows the older audiences to bring out the kid inside them. It goes without saying that they're made through the fun and 'cheesey' lines that makes them so good! With DC, there isn't any restrictions to what they can do with these films (my point being is that Stan Lee has a lot of say in the Marvel films that are made). Christopher Nolan has took the comic book hero Batman and made a trilogy that can only be described as possibly the greatest trilogy ever made.

I have to take my hat off to Nolan, he and brother Jonathon have clearly thought this film out. The film being 2 hours and 45 mins isnt even considered a negotive. To be honest, I wish it had been 3 hours + long. The vision that Nolan has shown to us over the course of these 3 films, is a reflect of how heroes can exist even when everything seems lost. When you hear or read about Batman, you instantly think of another film about some guy going round defeating enemies and yet even though this guy does so, he's also a symbol for people to believe in and that its not just 1 man who can be this symbol.

Bale's performance in the film is terrific. I was really impressed with how he made Wayne and Batman this broken man who had to rise from the shadows and become The Dark Knight. Back in 2008's 'The Dark Knight', Bale was over shadowed by the incredible performance of Heath Ledger as The Joker. Now, with The Joker out of the equation in this film (and thats not me saying its good that Ledger isnt here now to be in the film) Bale steps up to the mark and prooves to audiences he's still the great actor he is. I could write a pragraph about each individual actor/actress in the film. Tom Hardy's portrayel as the terrorist Bane was just immaculate. There had been a lot of talk revolving around Bane's voice. As you will have seen, Hardy has a big ass mask strapped ever so tightly to his face which therefore affected the hearing of his voice. Wasn't my concern at all. I watched the first 8 mins of the film when it was shown and I could hear roughly what he said, but I knew Nolan would do something. Nolan has his head screwed on properly. Why would he risk the biggest film he's ever made being criticised over something so small like Bane's voice? Nevertheless, Hardy's muscle tone was increased and Batman had an enemy that could inflict as much damage to him as Batman to criminals.

The most surprising part for me was Hathaway's performance as Catwoman. I'm not that big on Hathaway and when she was announced, I didn't know what to think. To be fair, I shouldn't have doubted it as I did the same when Ledger was announced as The Joker and look how that turned out. Hathaway was a great addition to the film and the people who I've seen it with have all said the same about her performance. The entire cast was incredible; Gordon-Levitt, Caine, Freeman, Oldman and Cotillard. Each character had a big significance to the film, some bigger than others *cough cough*.

Unfortunately, the film was shadowed with its own darkness with the tragedy of the shootings in Denver, Colorado in America. My thoughts go out to the famalies effected by them.

'The Dark Knight Rises' is easily my film of 2012. Nolan has been fantastic in making these films. He's created a Batman that no one could ever dream of creating. Rumours have it that Warner Bros. are considering a reboot not long in the future and all I have to say is good luck with that. They can take a new direction with this and I'll support it all the way but Nolan's trilogy will always be seen as THE Batman.

"You'd be crazy to miss it" - Heat

Thursday 5 July 2012

The Amazing Spiderman

Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. (IMBd)

First there was Spiderman, then a second and then a third. Granted, the first film directed by Sam Raimi was a hit. It made kids love Spiderman however; I always detested Toby Maguire as Peter Parker. Now, in 2012, Marc Webb brings us The Amazing Spiderman and it is truly amazing. With the reboot originally planned to be a 4th instalment, I’m so happy that it was re-drafted and rebooted. The Amazing Spiderman has literally remade the face of Spiderman.

Andrew Garfield has an exceptional performance as Peter Parker, capturing everything that he is in the comics, you listening Mr. Maguire? Garfield’s performance has left me astounded as to how well he actually was. Not saying that Garfield is a poor actor, he’s been in some good movies, and some, well, questionable ones (The Social Network). The Amazing Spiderman not only has a great story but a great villain. It just all felt right and that Webb has really worked at this. Rhys Ifans plays the terrific Dr. Curt Conners who was briefly touched upon in Spiderman 2 and 3. This time, Conners is the centre of attention; his history with Peter’s father and the fact that he transforms into a huge lizard being on the top spot in this film. Garfield and Ifys play off one another and just always seem to have a connection throughout, whether it’s a chat or attacking each other.

My main concern with The Amazing Spiderman was the use of CGI. From the trailers, it looked as if a lot of this film was relying on special effects and that was a worry. However, it’s not! This was a huge sigh of relief. There is use of some great camera angles and action shots. The 3D as well isn’t a gimmick. Having seen the film in IMAX 3D, I can’t have a say on what just 3D version of the film is like. In IMAX however, it was bloody marvellous.

It’s been said that The Amazing Spiderman is the ‘right film at the wrong time’ with The Avengers stealing the box office and the fact that The Dark Knight Rises is just round the corner (a film that I honestly will cry and pre-ejaculate to) has seemed to overshadow this terrific fun fest film. I still think that The Amazing Spiderman has the capability of pushing aside the competition. It is a strong and great film for the family! Sequels are already planned and set for 2014. Maguire step over, Garfield has just put the mask on and done something you couldn’t ever dream of doing!