Thursday 13 September 2012

shits and giggles

so since the start of July I've been living in Sheffield after a year of being at uni. Big move for a very homely guy like me but theres been a lot I've seen, heard that I've not blogged about.

Not been on my blog for awhile so I'm just going to ramble on. Living in sheff is GREAT, seriously I couldnt ask for anything more. Living with some terrific people full of terrific banter. Downside so far... the smoke alarm going off at crack of dawn two nights in a row. Was all resolved, its now of the ceiling and on the floor ha winning! Living in Sheff has made me appreciate things I took for granted. For instance, people in Sheff need to learn how to pour a proper pint. I like a good head. Regardless if its not on a pint. Now, it wouldnt be a blog if i didn't mention any films or music but to be honest I've seen a hell of a lot of films since my last blog regarding The Dark Knight Rises..

So many films have been released lately that caught my attention. Ted, The Watch, Total Recall, The Expendables 2 I could go on. I found Ted a good laugh, story was fun and I felt the acting in the film was ok at a push. Ted just sounded like Peter Griffin, but what can I say bad about that? Everybody loves Peter Griffin. Comedy films have been quiet lately, I've seen some horrific films such as Magic Mike that really should never be shown to any males. Seriously, I thought it was going to make me grow a vagina. Back to comedy, and The Watch was released recently. I was looking forward to this film purely for Richard Ayoade from The IT Crowd. Again, the film was a lot of fun, story was a little questionable but we cant have it all our way. Biggest surprise was The Expendables 2. After the first one I thought yeah be cool for a sequel but after seeing trailer it basically said CHEESE all over it. However the cheese was the best part of the film. Beautiful references towards most of the best films these stars have been in. Total Recall was the biggest dissapointment for me. Nothing against Farrell mind, he put up a decent perofrmance just the story did NOTHING for me. I know this remake was more towards the short story but I just felt like I remember nothing from that film what so ever. Following this, I think its best to get The Bourne Legacy out of the way. I'm not THE biggest Bourne fan but I felt this film should never have been titled a Bourne film. Maybe a cool spin off name would've been better. Regardless of the name, the action was decent but the story was draining me. Others will disagree but meh, wasnt for me. Back to Mr McConaughey and we have Killer Joe. I have to say, this film was extremely good. Matthew McConaughey has been in terrible films (Magic Mike) and yet this film made me see the sheer class he actually has and when he's in a film with a good story he can actually have a great performance. The Possession, story decent, few scares. Wasn't as bad as The Pact which was an absolute right joke. Terrible film terrible story. Theres probably some other films ive seen that I cant remember but I'd rather press on to the main film I was extremely impressed with.

Lawless. My word this film was brilliant. Hardy once again had me admiring such a top class performance. 2012 is definitely his year. Following The Dark Knight Rises, Hardy is still fairly beefy and if I'm honest I dont want him to go back to his smaller build in films like This Means War (again, awesome film). Shia LeBouf is one of my least favourite actors (Nick Cage is top of that list) but in Lawless he puts on a decent performance. The whole film has emotion and class showing the division between the country boys and the city law. Guy Pearce needed more of a notice on the promotion of this film. Pearce took the role of Special Agent Charlie Rakes and made him the most awful cruel and souless character I've seen on screen in a very long time. It's been awhile since I've seen a charcter and wanted the worst to happen to him all the way through. Lawless is probably my film of 2012, ending the rivalry between The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises.

Yesterday I saw Dredd 3D. Looked atrocious from the trailer but wasnt the worst film I've seen this year. Beats Total Racall put it that way. Some good looking films coming out later this year; Taken 2, Looper and The Hobbit are my top 3 to see.

Back to living in Sheff but still on the topic of films. My housemate Leah reccomended Leon to me starring Jean Reno, Gary Oldman and a very young Natalie Portman. This film had been brought to my attention from a friend back home but I never had time to rent. Low and behold I move in with leah and she owns a copy of it, boom. So anyways, watched it and its absolutely fantastic! Oldman as a baddie is awesome I seriously need more of this in my life. Reno's performance in the film reminded me of a Liam Neeson performance in films like Taken. Though, of course, Leon was before Taken, I still couldnt help but apprecaite the story and the bond between Reno and Portman in the film.

I briefly want to touch on music. I have heard the new Billy Talent and The Scripts album and both of them are massively dissapointing. First, Billy Talent need to go back to how they were when they released their first and second album. It seems that they just cant be assed with rock anymore and thought their songs sound better without the oompht. The Script, to me, have sold out. Ever since Danny O'Donoghue was on The Voice and became bezzies with Will.I.Am. its like the script have just changed all together. The album doesnt sound like The Script. First album was ace, second was good, third is forgettable. I want to hear an album thats going to make me go 'my god what is this beautiful piece of work' because lately, I find myself being dissapointed with artists releasing albums. Please if anyone has any reccomendations fire away.

And there you have it. Blog done for another short period.
Someone once said I get too into films.. well, I'm doing a drama degree so surely thats a good enough reason why I do.. Isn't it?