Sunday 24 March 2013

Oedipus the King

So this is a new kind of blog.. never wrote about a play before and this seems to be the perfect time to do one! SHUdrama's production of Oedipus the King set sail this week and lordy lord was it something!
Co-Directors Mark Drakeford and Nathaniel McCartney and Producer Jack Bonner presented a piece that was, in a word, brilliant. I studied Oedipus at A Level and in all honesty hated it. This was something that i didnt bring into the equation when watching this production as I think true critics should go with a clear and open mind to new things. I can honstely say that I left very emotional indeed.
Despite the horrendous snow (do NOT get me started), the show went on and audiences were treated blissfully.
When entering the performance space, I was greeted to members of the chorus wandering around the room with ghostly faces staring. It was unbelievable. It was uncomfortable but the right level of uncomfortable, not the type of uncomfortable as being sat up at 3am watching the Human Centipede thinking 'so where is this going?'.. Far far from that level of uncomfortable. The cast was masterfully crafted, I couldnt pick a single flaw with the cast, each individual brought something spectacular!
 Harry Fitzwilliam-Pipe's portrayel of Oedipus couldnt be faulted, he had everything. The level of emotion in his performance was astonishing as was Elliot Brown's performace of Creon. I dont think a single member of the audience can say that they didnt have at least a lump in their throat or a tear down their face when the Oedipus and Creon shared their goodbyes. It was clear that this wasnt just a performance to all the actors in the scene, the emotion they poured on stage flooded the room which was such a huge impact. It was a first for me to see Ella Nobre-Wachter perform on stage and I was really impressed with the talent that she holds. The character of  Jocasta, I find, is quite a challenging role as you have to really find the level of emotion that her character goes through as this tragedy breaks her world and Ella did a top job to capture this!
What can I say about The Chorus? YOU GUYS! The Chorus moved the play along with incredible energy, from shouting to whispering, from crying to once again shouting, mesmerising to watch.
As I said before, I was never a fan of Oedipus but this show was definitely one of if not THE best production from SHUdrama. It was a gem, a victory over the snow!;)
Hats off to the production team behind this show, they clearly worked so hard to make this the show it was and it paid off so well! Oh and I loved Nathaniel McCartney's posh northern cameo!!