Monday 21 January 2013

bleedin' snow

So here it is.. AGAIN. That white stuff that comes falling down from the sky and makes all the children scream and shout and all the elderly ones trip and fall and makes me ten times more grumpy than what I already am. It's a bleeding death trap.
I hate snow. hate it. Why do we need it? We don't. Its pointless. It comes randomly and just makes me cold. When it first arrives everyones all yey snow and then about a few days the novelty wears off and its just that white stuff thats been here for too long.
I think it would look a lot more better if it was untouched. Theres always footprints and snow angels etc and then it gets all mushed. If I wanted a slushy I'd go and buy one, I don't need it spread all across my street and the roads, UGH the roads, they look bloody awful. Theres always some dick who seems to be completely oblivious that its been snowing and that the road is slightly icey. He just comes at a speed that could regardless of the weather conditions. If I'm walking on a path and that dick comes speeding across I kid you not I shit myself. One slip from him and its strawberry flavoured slush everywhere.
Snowball fights. you may as well just poke eachother in the eyes becuase snow is a right bastard when its in the eye. And when the snows been around abit and it gets all hard as its frozen, thats right FROZEN, youths still think its acceptable to pick a snowball fight using this. I'm sorry, do you not like having perfect vision? Its one thing having fun but when it includes dicing with death, I think I'll pass thanks.
Salt Grit. What a useless wast of time. You put that down, walk in it, you've ruined your carpet. I see all the douches laying that down and then think 'job done' no no no good sir, you may as well have not bothered its horrendous, I'm still slipping everywhere and I'm 6ft 2, if I wanted to see someone that tall flailing I'd watch anything starring Stephen Merchant.
Transport. Holy shit this bastards will do anything for a day off work. Delayed and cancelled trains, Its a bit of snow. Other countries deal with it, in the UK; GOD FORBID. Its a disgrace, I pay £60 a month for a pass and then snow comes and I may as well have thrown that money doen the pissing toilet.
Any 'Yellow Snow' Jokes. Seriously? we still digging these? It dawns to me that someone ACTUALLY did this once and then it picked up ever since. Who ever did, you deserve being taken out of existence. These jokes are piss poor, lets crack some different ones please.
Overall, I think I'll be a lot happy when the snow is gone. I cant deal with walking starring at me feet to make sure I'm not going to hit the floor. Its dangerous, its wrong and its got to be stopped. Lets just all take care in this hell hole we are in. Oh and its my birthday 3rd February, presents are welcome.

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